The Green Leaders Education Program

MidWaste supports effective waste reduction and management to students of all ages in the region. MidWaste has a number of initiatives under the umbrella of the Green Leaders Program to support schools and early learning centres including:

The Lunch Makers program

The Lunch Makers program is run over 6 weeks in any term and aims to empower kids to be involved in preparing and making their own lunch and reducing food waste in your school or preschool! Students’ new skills are celebrated with a ‘Pack Your Own Lunch Day’ during the Term.

What’s involved:

  1. You’ll receive a Lunch Makers Resource Pack with everything you need - program content for school/preschool newsletters, emails and apps, social media tiles and posts
  2. Complete a short, sharp food waste photo audit with your students
  3. Run the Lunch Makers program during the Term using the resource pack for communicating weekly with your parent community and in class/ preschool learning resources
  4. Hold a kids ‘Make your Own Lunch’ Day during the Term 5. Option to host a fun FREE composting workshop at your school/preschool (for one class or staff group) with FREE composting equipment!


Scraps to Soil collective composting workshops

Scraps to Soil collective workshops are composting skills development workshops for educators in schools or early learning centres. They are ‘collective’ because an interested school or preschool hosts the workshop for their staff and also invites staff from at least one neighbouring school or preschool. MidWaste provides the facilitator for the workshop and free composting equipment if needed (fine to use what you already have) to schools participating. You will learn about the value of composting, setting up, managing and maintaining your new or existing compost bin or worm farm, ingredients and how to use compost products as well as troubleshooting, so you are ready to create fantastic compost at school. If you are keen to get involved let us know here.


Green Leaders Professional Development opportunities

MidWaste also collaborates with Sustainable Schools NSW to provide resources and professional development opportunities, predominantly online, to support educators and schools in education for sustainability.

The Bellingen and Nambucca Sustainable Schools Network

The Bellingen and Nambucca Sustainable Schools Network is coordinated by Sustainable Schools NSW and aims to connect environmental educators in the Bellingen and Nambucca areas with a like-minded community and build capacity, share learnings and celebrate achievements. The network meets once a term and supports educators to spread the important message of sustainability for future generations. If you are interested in being involved contact Jane Grebert at

The Coffs Harbour Sustainable Schools Network

The Coffs Harbour Sustainable Schools Network (SSN) is for teachers, educators and parents in Coffs Harbour who want to learn and share projects and opportunities for creative and practical environmental activities in their schools, centres and communities.

The network meets meets once a term to share ideas, learn and gain inspiration to incorporate sustainability into their teaching.

Teachers and educators wanting to find out more about the SSN’s upcoming events can register for the Coffs Harbour Sustainable Schools Network mailing list by sending an e-mail to:

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