Scraps to soil

Scraps to Soil is a home composting & worm farming workshop program that teaches you how to compost in your home and turn your kitchen and garden scraps into amazing food for your garden and soil!

The workshops will cover the basics of getting started with composting and worm farming at home and teach you how to create rich compost to make your garden grow!

You will learn about the value of composting, setting up, managing and maintaining your new compost bin or worm farm, ingredients and how to use compost products as well as troubleshooting, so you are ready to create your fantastic compost at home.


If you’re unable to make a face-to-face workshop, you can still learn how to turn your kitchen scraps into nutrient-rich compost for your garden.

Check out the handy Scraps to Soil composting and worm farming guide here.

Coffs Harbour, Bellingen and Nambucca residents can access subsidised equipment through Compost Revolution as part of the Let’s Get Composting Coffs Coast campaign.


Each year in NSW we produce approximately 400 kilograms of waste per person and two-thirds of this is organic (food scraps, plants and other matter). Food scraps and other organic matter dumped in landfill create methane which is a powerful greenhouse gas. Wasted food also wastes the energy, water, resources, transport and money to produce and transport the food.

What you can do:

  • Visit the Love Food Hate Waste website to get some great tips on reducing food waste in your home
  • Composting and/or worm farming at home, enabling you to create a valuable fertiliser resource (and can help us successfully grow our food) out of something we would otherwise throw away
  • Put compostable scraps in your green bin in the following council areas:
  • Coffs Harbour
  • Bellingen
  • Nambucca
  • Kempsey
  • Port Macquarie-Hastings

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