RENEW NSW was first established as the representative of eight regional waste groups, covering 96 Councils in regional and rural NSW, with a population of 1.8 million people.

2014 saw the EPA establish a further seven regional waste groups in the greater Sydney region, adding a further 54 councils and 5.1 million people to the group, which now covers the whole of NSW.

Under the umbrella of RENEW NSW, the groups work together proactively, to improve resource recovery and waste management across the whole of NSW.

RENEW NSW monitors and facilitates improvements to waste management and resource recovery practices in rural, regional and metropolitan areas. It also serves as an advisory body on matters of concern such as infrastructure sharing, resource recovery systems, regional procurement, drop-off centres and other related activities.

Working with state and local government, industry representatives, schools and local residents, the regional waste groups and Regional/Joint Organisations of Councils provide leadership and innovation, driving continuous improvement in sustainable waste and resource management practices.

RENEW NSW’s primary goal is to highlight the differing issues and priorities across the state and implement better waste and resource recovery systems.

Through coordinating and combining these regional waste groups, RENEW NSW works together to find solutions to waste issues, to improve recycling rates and initiate best practice waste management in NSW.

The 8 Voluntary Regional Waste Groups represented at RENEW are:


The Waste Hierarchy sets up a framework for reducing our waste. For items you really do need to dispose of, you can help us reduce what goes to landfill by using the services you can find in these pages (or on your council website) available to ensure we can recycle or appropriately dispose of all materials.

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