If you have any exercise equipment that needs repairing, our directory makes it easy to locate local businesses in Bellingen that specialise in repairing items such as surfboards, bikes or gym equipment. Discover the businesses below.
Minimum Surfcraft
Website: www.facebook.com/minimum.surfcraft
Address: Shed 1, 6A Hulberts Road Toormina 2452
Email: minimum.surfcraft@gmail.com
Bob Wallis Cycles
Website: www.bobwalliscycles.com.au
Address: Park Beach Homebase, Shop 30/252 Pacific Hwy,
Phone: (02) 6652 5102
Coffs Coast Fitness Equipment Repairs
Please note: While we aim to keep our listings accurate and up to date, the information is provided for guidance only. We do not guarantee the quality of services offered. Please contact the provider directly to confirm services available.
If you have an update for our directory, please contact us.
If you're a business offering repair or reuse services, we'd love to include you in our free directory! Fill out the form to get started and connect with your community.
MidWaste Regional Waste Forum (MidWaste) comprises five Councils located on the Mid North Coast of New South Wales working collectively to strategically manage waste on a regional scale.
While it is inevitable that some materials, in our current economy, end up as waste, it is important to remember that all materials are actually resources and should be managed accordingly. Governments at all levels are increasingly focused on how to move from our current linear model of consumption (take, make, dispose) and towards a circular model (where the aim is to design waste out of the system).
The Waste Hierarchy sets up a framework for reducing our waste. For items you really do need to dispose of, you can help us reduce what goes to landfill by using the services you can find in these pages (or on your council website) available to ensure we can recycle or appropriately dispose of all materials.
For more information contact info@midwaste.org.au